Sexual temptation

Sexual temptation is a real and ferocious battle. In recent times it has often been blamed on the internet but this problem has always existed. It is not going to be won with an internet filter or by finding a mate to be accountable to, good as both of those are, they...

A break in the story, or is it?

The sudden change in the storyline from the headline act of Joseph to his brother Judah is strange at first glance and yet, God wants us to see that He is working all things together for his good, according to His plans, and that his promises are irrevocable. This...

The mystery of providence

At the church I went to as a child whenever we produced a poster or a leaflet we always quoted the event, the time and date, the place and included DV Deo volente meaning God being willing, or God willing. I guess just in case there was a catastrophe and the event...

Sold for twenty pieces of silver

Joseph is sitting in the dark of the cistern, what must be going through his mind? Is this how it all ends? Will they release me in a while? Will they leave me here? It’s incredible to think that some metres above him his brothers were sitting together eating a meal...

Joseph’s brothers plan

Someone once asked me, “why do bad things happen to good people?” When I replied that bad things also happen to bad people, I was then accused of not being very spiritual at all! The answer as to why were all these things happening and going to happen to Joseph is...

The life of Joseph 

It’s no wonder there is a musical and a film about Joseph. Dreams, sold into slavery, prison, rise to prominence, reconciliation to name just a few of the events in his life. As to why I want to look at the life of Joseph, well that’s simple really. One, there is...