Unusual and unexpected

My mum did not become a Christian until the later stages of her life. To be honest I had stopped praying and stopped speaking to her about Jesus as it only caused an argument. I was living in Sussex and part of Barcombe Baptist church who had just finished an...

Recrimination and restoration

It’s so easy to not face the consequences of our own decision making and to blame others instead. To face the consequences of our actions and decision-making means admitting wrong, may include repentance and certainly will include changes in living. David and his men...


Saul’s undercover meeting with the witch of Endor in 1 Samuel 28 is regarded as the final nail in the coffin of his tragic kingship of Israel. He has reached an all time low. He resorts to occult practices in Israel that he himself has forbidden with the death...

Reactions in a crisis

How we react in times of crisis speaks of the strength of our faith. Some rise to the challenge, others succumb to the challenge, while others plod along as if nothing has changed. Some emotionally overreact while others don’t register the impact of the crisis at all!...

Love your enemy

History almost repeated itself on this second occasion in which Saul’s life is spared by David who he is seeking to kill. For a second time the Ziphites played the role of betrayers and informers and told of David’s whereabouts. Saul immediately set out with 3000 men...